Исследование признакообразующих элементов дефекта типа "трещина"


  • Е. В. Горда Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, Україна
  • А. А. Пузько Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, Україна

Ключові слова:

crack, digital image, element cracks, observability, sign, monitoring, identification.


The paper presents the results of a study of the elements of the defects of type
"fracture", namely: root cracked, link crack, the branch points of the point of crack growth, the banks,
edges, ravine cracks, from the point of view of formation on their basis of features that characterize the
zones of adjacency of these elements on digital images. This approach allows us to consider the concept of
defect type "crack" in the crack, but generated defects in the area of its adjacency. Special attention is paid
to paznakomitsa observability properties of the elements of RTI on digital images on the basis of which it is
possible to effectively available by means of Web-cameras to monitor and measure in the optical range.
The results can be used to build systems for monitoring, recognition and identification of defects to assess
the status of construction projects by NDT methods. On the other hand, they can be applied to formation of
requirements to complex of technical means of surveillance of the process of crack formation at different


Як цитувати

Горда, Е. В., & Пузько, А. А. (2020). Исследование признакообразующих элементов дефекта типа "трещина". Техніка будівництва, (35). вилучено із http://tehbud.knuba.edu.ua/article/view/205036


